
Dominique Vallée
Studies: Bacc in Kinesiology, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières 2012
Past and present occupations:
- Athlete and member of the 1998 Canadian Sailing Team (2012 in Olympic windsurfing)
- High-level athlete coach from 1991 to 2016
• Entraîneure pour la Féd
- Owner and founder of Do Sport since 2012
Sports experiences and highlights:
- Starts dinghy sailing and windsurfing at age 6
- Athlete member of the Canadian Olympic windsurfing team until 2012
- 2007 Pan American Games Gold Medalist, Olympic Windsurfing
- Raceboard World Champion and Kona Windsurf World Champion 2010
- Black Sailing Coach
- Black belt in Yoseikan karate
- Practice almost all board sports (snowboarding, surfing, skiing, wingfoil, sailing, etc.).
Other experiences :
- Author of the book Une vie à contre vent
- Member of the ATHLETESCAN Board of Directors 2005-2007
- Vice-President, RSX Olympic Class Board 2012-2016
-Member of the Board of Directors, Club Multivoile 4 Saisons 2012 to present
Alexandre Favreau
Retailer responsible representative
After a decade in a Quebec outdoor apparel company, Alexandre Favreau founded his Montreal Mercantile agency. This agency's mission is to help the companies here who want to move forward and conquer new markets. Passionate about sports, outdoor and having the local purchase at heart, it is with pride that Alexandre joins the Do Sport team in the fall of 2015.

Annabelle Higgins
Representative in charge of the schools.
Involved for several years in the do sport family, Annabelle knows very well the realities of the world of schools as well as the products DO SPORT. Working in the middle of physical training and instructor of advanced instructors in calm water, she will be able to put her experience in order to contribute to the success of your company.
Michelle parent
Representative responsible for the DOSPORT shop in Trois-Rivières. Yannick is the ideal person to welcome you at the DO SPORT boutique located at the Club Multivoile 4 Saisons in Trois-Rivières. It will be a pleasure to inform you and offer you a personalized and professional service.
Phone number: 1 418 572 0646

Fiona Morrison
Europe Distribution
Board athlete Olympic Games from 1990 to 2000
Represented Andorra at the Olympic Games in Atlanta and qualified for Sydney.
1st woman from Andorra to qualify for a Summer Olympic Games.
Ski instructor, Grau Roig Pas de la Casa and Andorra skiing Club
Windsurfing instructor at FUNTASTIC l'Escala, Girona
Current professions: photography and video artist, art, distribution Do Sport Spain
Jordan Kerton
TRIDENT distribution in non-French speaking territories
Owner of access revolution in British Columbia. Jordan develops programs for people with mobility difficulties who want to continue or discover paddle boarding.
Jordan Kerton is the Owner and Operator of Access Revolution, a social impact business located in Vernon BC, Canada. Jordan is a

Joanie Trudel
Captain of the Do Sport Racing Team
Status: Provincial level athlete
I have been practicing water sports since I was young. First wakeboarding, then wakesurfing, discipline in which I was introduced to the world of competition (Surf&Turf Quebec 1st in women 2011, World Wakesurfing Championship 2011 6th position pro in women). I started Paddleboarding in 2015. I then obtained my Paddle Canada certification in 2016 and 2017 (Basic Skills, Advanced Skills and River Skills I, Basic Skills and Advanced Skills Instructor). I started competing in 2018, and I've been involved in the development of the sport, which is still unknown in Quebec. I am captain of the Do Sport team since 2021.
Competition results :
2019 2nd at BoardFest 3R
2019 2nd place at the Chicken Run MTL SUP FEST
2018 3rd place team pro canoe classic
2018 3rd place MTLSUP FEST skills competition
Anyone who knows me from near or far knows that I have an undeniable competitive side. I love the adrenaline, the pressure of having to perform at a certain time, the surprise effect, the pride, and even the failures, because without them, it is impossible to progress. The team, or I should say the Do Sport family, allows me to live these moments, and to feel supported in my development. They are behind me no matter what performance I deliver, my mistakes, my good moves, I can count on them, and they can count on me. The pride I feel having the DoSport logo and the famous "C" of captain on my jersey since this year is immense, I feel in adequacy with my values: performance, loyalty, respect, and especially pleasure, because without that nothing has any meaning!
Manufacturing workshop
Our team at the Trois-Rivières workshop.
November 2022