La SEAWAY est certainement ce que vous voulez si vous envisagez une gamme plus petite de planches. Elle est conçue spécialement pour surfer/prone ou faire du wake foil derrière un bateau mais la 54L, permet d'étendre sa polyvalence au wing foil.
In strong winds, with a small kite, you're on your way! Even if the volume in liters diminishes, the board's buoyant surface and true shape still give it plenty of room to stand up easily and move around as you please once on the foil.
It's a slim board with a small dugout on the deck that further reduces the space between your feet and the foil, making it very responsive. Naturally, your feet settle on the board in flight. Solid, well-designed, beautifully finished and, like all DoSport boards, one-of-a-kind.
Comments by Geneviève Dumoulin
I have the 35L specifically for surfing with my FoilDrive attached.
The first thing with the FoilDrive is that you absolutely want a perfect fit to insert the unit between board and mast, which will prevent any drag and slow you down.... Check the box for that, the SeaWay has the perfect flat bottom. At first, I may have been a little worried about how I'd handle it getting up quickly given its size, but it turns out this board is super "easygoing"!
Even in strong winds and choppy conditions, within a second I'm up and flying as if I were on a bigger board.
The shape of the board offers excellent performance and the feel is very similar to that of a regular surfboard.
Depuis mon premier essai, je suis totalement accro à cette planche et je ne vais tout simplement pas rider autre chose pour attraper ma vague. Bravo à DoSport pour avoir créé une pla